If you’re hurting, then you should pray. If you’re on top of the world, then you should belt out songs that praise God. 14If you’re ill, then you should ask the mature churchfolk to come to pray with you as they anoint you with healing oil -- in the name of the Lord. 15 Prayer that flows from faith in the Lord will heal the sick, for the Lord is the one who restores people to health. And if your woes are the result of sin you will be forgiven. 16 This is why you should quit trying to hide your sins. As you publicly own your sins you can pray for each other and experience healing, for the prayers of right-living people are super powerful and effective. 17 For example, Elijah was just such a person -- even though he was a prophet he was not so different from us. When he poured himself into praying that it wouldn’t rain, the clouds were locked tight for three and a half years. 18 Then he prayed again and God sent rain, ending the drought and filling the fields with bumper crops.
19 My dear brothers and sisters, if anyone wanders away from the truth and someone leads the wanderer back home, 20 honor that leader. For the one who leads a sinner back onto the right path saves them from eternal destruction and guides them into a life of forgiveness.